Breakout Clone 5: Adding Some Sound
2023-02-25I often overlook the sound in games. I tend to notice things like the graphics, what the core gameplay is, or the writing, before I notice the sound. Imagine playing a game like last year's God of War: Ragnarok, but there are no sound effects when Kratos' axe smashes into an enemy. It would be weird!
So let's add some sound effects. I think I'll start with a component similar to the GameSession
component that responsible for playing sounds.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SoundManager : MonoBehaviour
public AudioSource sfxSource;
public static SoundManager instance = null;
[SerializeField] float lowPitchRange = 0.95f;
[SerializeField] float highPitchRange = 1.05f;
void Awake() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = this;
} else if (instance != this) {
public void PlayRandomSFX(AudioClip[] clips) {
int index = Random.Range(0, clips.Length);
// slightly alter the pitch every time so that there
// seems to be a little more variety than there actually is.
float randomPitch = Random.Range(lowPitchRange, highPitchRange);
sfxSource.pitch = randomPitch;
sfxSource.clip = clips[index];
I want to play a sound whenever the ball hits a wall, a block, or the paddle. I'm already doing collision detection in Ball.cs
anyways, so I may as wall add it there:
[SerializeField] AudioClip[] collisionClips; // *NEW*
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) {
string tag = collision.gameObject.tag;
if (tag == "Block" || tag == "Wall" || tag == "Paddle") {
Vector2 currentVelocity = rigidBody2D.velocity;
// A vector perpendicular to the surface we're colliding with
Vector2 normal = collision.GetContact(0).normal;
// calculate the new, reflected velocity
Vector2 newVelocity = Vector2.Reflect(currentVelocity, normal);
rigidBody2D.velocity = newVelocity;
SoundManager.instance.PlayRandomSFX(collisionClips); // *NEW*
if (tag == "Block") {
if (tag == "Bottom Wall") {
The collisionClips
property is a list of audio clips that I'll associate through the Unity editor. I could have found some clips to use on OpenGameArt, but I decided to create my own using Audacity. If you're curious you can find the list of effects here:
I don't have a gif to show off this time since, well, gifs don't have sound. Next time I'm going to go a step further and add some music that plays while the game running.