Om Comparison


In my last post I built a simple text manipulation widget with React. I recommend reading through that post first, before this one. As promised, I've built the same widget in Om, a ClojureScript library that sits on top of React.

If you want to follow along, you'll need to install Leiningen and run:

    lein new mies-om om-intro

cd into the new directory and make your project.clj look like the following:

    (defproject om-intro "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
      :description "FIXME: write this!"
      :url ""

      :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
                     [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2138"]
                     [org.clojure/core.async ""]
                     [om "0.3.1"]
                     [com.facebook/react ""]]

      :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.1"]]

      :source-paths ["src"]

      :cljsbuild {
        :builds [{:id "dev"
                  :source-paths ["src"]
                  :compiler {
                    :output-to "om_intro.js"
                    :output-dir "out"
                    :optimizations :none
                    :source-map true}}]})

You will also want to update your index.html look like this:

            <div id="app"></div>
            <script src=""></script>
            <script src="out/goog/base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src="om_intro.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script type="text/javascript">goog.require("om_intro.core");</script>

Get any missing dependencies with lein deps, then build the project with `lein cljsbuild once dev. Open index.html` in a browser and you should see the bare-bones example that comes with this template.

For the rest of this tutorial, I recommend running lein cljsbuild auto dev in a separate terminal. The first time the project gets built takes a second or two, but after the JVM has warmed up, it takes just milliseconds.

The snippets above are for a development build of the project. The final example I link to at the end of this post contains a release build, that generates a single JavaScript file.

With the setup out of the way we can start rebuilding this widget.

    (ns om-intro.core
      (:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
                [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]))

    (def app-state (atom {:text "Some Text"}))

    (defn my-widget [app owner]
        (render [this]
          (dom/div nil (:text app)))))

      (. js/document (getElementById "app")))

This is analogous to the first example in the React version; all we're doing is defining a component that renders a div containing the value of :text from our application state.

There are already a differences though. First, we've moved all of our state into an atom. Components are given cursors into this application state that they can use to read/update.

Second, our my-widget component is returning a reified object that satisfies the om/IRender interface. The render method simply returns the aforementioned div.

You should see something like this:

Like our first example in the React version, this is pretty boring. Let's add in the text input.

We're going to be using core.async at the edges of our components, wherever our users will be interacting with the various inputs we'll eventually have.

Change the namespace declaration to the following:

    (ns om-intro.core
      (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
      (:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
                [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
                [cljs.core.async :refer [put! chan <!]]))

Then we'll update the widget. We're going to walk through this step-by-step in a minute, but here is what it should look like:

    (defn my-widget [app owner]
        (init-state [this]
          {:comm {:string (chan)}})

        (will-mount [this]
          (let [{:keys [string]} (om/get-state owner :comm)]
            (go (while true
                  (let [value (<! string)]
                    (om/transact! app :text (fn [_] value)))))))

        (render-state [this {:keys [comm]}]
          (dom/div nil
                   (dom/input #js {:type "text"
                                   :ref "text"
                                   :value (:text app)
                                   :onChange #(put!
                                                (:string comm)
                                                (-> (om/get-node owner "text")

                   (dom/div nil (:text app))))))

We've changed our widget to satisfy a few more Om interfaces that take advantage of the React life cycles.

The first is om/IInitState which sets up some initial, local state for the component. Here we are creating a map with a channel assigned to the :string key. init-state is called once on a component.

In om/IWillMount, we setup a go loop that blocks on the channel assigned to :string earlier, then sets the :text attribute in our application state to the value we get off of that channel. Once it's done it goes back to waiting on the channel.

If you're new to Clojure, then the destructuring we do in the let binding can be a little confusing. The gist of what we're doing is creating a local string variable for our go block that is based on a key in the map returned by (om/get-state owner :comm). In other words, it takes the map we created earlier and creates a local variable that is assigned the value of the :string key.

We use om/transact! here since updating an atom needs to occur within a transaction. We could have also used swap! here to modify the atom manually.

will-mount is called once, before the component is mounted into the DOM.

Finally, we've changed om/IRender to om/IRenderState. Every component needs to satisfy one of these interfaces, but not both. The difference between the two is that IRenderState is passed the component state as it's second argument. We need it so that we can have access to the channel we created earlier.

Finally we create the input:

    (dom/input #js {:type "text"
                    :ref "text"
                    :value (:text app)
                    :onChange #(put!
                                (:string comm)
                                (-> (om/get-node owner "text")

The element is actually only taking a single argument, though it looks like two. #js is a reader literal for Clojurscript that transforms the following object into literal JavaScript object. The map that we pass is setting some attributes on the component. In this case, we want a text input that contains the value of the :text key from our application state. We assign it the ref text so that we can refer to it from the onChange callback via om/get-node.

This callback is really simple, and is one of the reasons why core.async is so attractive. All it does is take the value of the text node and put it onto the string channel.

If you've been following along, then you should see the following:

The next step is to add in the text-size slider. First, let's add the size to our application state:

    (def app-state (atom {:text "Some Text"
                          :size 15}))

Next we'll create another channel for manipulating this size:

    (init-state [this]
      {:comm {:string (chan)
              :size (chan)}})

We'll create another go block to update :size whenever we get a value off of this channel:

    (will-mount [this]
      (let [{:keys [string size] :as comm} (om/get-state owner :comm)]
        (go (while true
              (let [value (<! string)]
                (om/transact! app :text (fn [_] value)))))
        (go (while true
              (let [value (<! size)]
                (om/transact! app :size (fn [_] value)))))))

And then we'll add the input. Since we're getting the value off in the input in a similar way as before, I created a small helper to do this. I would place this function at the top of your source file, underneath the atom:

    (defn get-value [owner ref]
      (-> (om/get-node owner ref)
    (dom/div nil
            (dom/input #js {:type "range"
                            :min 10
                            :max 50
                            :step 0.2
                            :ref "size"
                            :value (:size app)
                            :onChange #(put!
                                        (:size comm)
                                        (get-value owner "size"))})
            (dom/label nil (str (:size app) "px")))

Note that you may want to update the text input as well.

Finally, we want to modify our div to have it's font-size restyled whenever this changes. Right now it looks like this:

    (dom/div nil (:text app))

Change it to this:

    (dom/div #js {:style #js {:font-size (str (:size app) "px")}}
          (:text app))

Again, #js turns the following object into a JavaScript object. It's shallow, so we need to do it twice to set :style correctly.

You should see this now:

Now for the color sliders. First, we'll add in the new state:

    (def app-state (atom {:text "Some Text"
                          :size 15
                          :colors {:red 0
                                   :green 0
                                   :blue 0}}))

As in the React widget, we'll create a more general color-slider:

    (defn color-slider [colors owner {:keys [label onChange color-key]}]
        (render-state [this {:keys [comm]}]
          (dom/div nil
                   (dom/input #js {:type "range"
                                   :min 0
                                   :max 255
                                   :step 1
                                   :ref "color"
                                   :value (color-key colors)
                                   :onChange #(onChange color-key owner)})
                   (dom/label nil (str label ": " (color-key colors)))))))

The important bit here is extra map of attributes we'll be passing to this component. We're going to give it a label, a color key to pull from the application state, and an onChange function.

Next we'll create a channel for the changing colors:

    (init-state [this]
      {:comm {:string (chan)
              :size (chan)
              :colors (chan)}})

And a go block:

    (go (while true
          (let [[c value] (<! colors)]
            (om/update! app assoc-in [:colors c] value))))))

This looks slightly different than the previous go blocks because we're dealing with a map of colors in the application state instead of a straight value.

    (let [putfn (fn [k o]
                 (put! (:colors comm) [k (get-value o "color")]))]
        (apply dom/div nil
             (map (fn [[label color-key]]
                    (om/build color-slider
                              (:colors app)
                              {:opts {:label label
                                      :color-key color-key
                                      :onChange putfn}}))
                  [["Red" :red] ["Green" :green] ["Blue" :blue]])))

Next we'll add the inputs right below the text size slider. We use some high level functions here to avoid having to write three calls to om/build.

Finally we can modify the div to re-color our text:

    (let [size (:size app)
          text (:text app)
          {:keys [red green blue]} (:colors app)]
     (dom/div #js {:style #js {:font-size (str size "px")
                               :color (str "rgb(" red "," green "," blue ")")}}

Here is the final product, for the second time:

The full source for this example can be found here.

Om is still very new, and changing rapidly. If you're interested, then I recommend running through the Tutorial in LightTable.